Puduvai Qure Speech & Hearing Clinic (PQSHC) is dedicated to providing the right technology solutions to our patients while maintaining the highest standards at every level. We will strive to provide the highest quality preventative rehabilitative hearing and balance healthcare at an affordable price.
Our Vision, Mission, and Values drive the purpose and performance of the staff, and are reflected in their commitment to provide the right solutions to our patients. We strive to listen to and understand our patient's challenges. We are aiming higher to take our patients further.
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Qure Speech & Hearing Clinic is providing it's all kind of Speech and Hearing Services through online mode.We always care about our patients,So why stopping our sessions in the name of COVID - 19.
Lets fight it together and bring back normal life.Until lets keep our session online while staying safe at home.
Please call us +91 89254 38429 / +91 99411 22967for more details .
To achieve excellence in the field of Speech & Hearing Rehabilitation
 Provide our patients with the right hearing solutions to fit every lifestyle.
We embrace new ideas.We reward and recognize excellence and outstanding performance.We provide personal growth through learning
 We listen to and are responsive to customer needs.We provide the highest quality and excellence in our solutions, services, and products.We remain agile, flexible, and quick to meet and exceed our customer's expectations
 We expect the highest ethical standards in our day-to-day customer dealings.We cherish an environment where 'trust' and 'honesty' are never questioned
We are conferred with best Speech and Hearing clinic award for best services, contribution to the society & excellent achivements.The award named SAI Five Star Award received from All India Sai Sakthi Samaj Foundation.
 To receive latest updates and free camp and social activitis details to your mobile number on SMS please subscribe us.
For more Details Please contact in below address
No.18, First Floor, Villianur Main Road, (Next to Hotel aryas), Vivekananda Nagar, Puducherry-605005.
+91 8925438429